FAQ zum Kingroon KP5M 3D-Drucker

Kingroon KP5M Bildschirmfehler

Fehler 1: Heißes Bett MAXTEMP

Fehler 2: Düse MAXTEMP

Fehler 3: Heißes Bett MINITEMP

Fehler 4: Düse MINITEMP

Fehler 5: Düsenheizungsfehler

Fehler 6: Fehler bei der Warmbettheizung

Fehler 7: Thermal Runaway

Überprüfen Sie Ihre Düsentemperatur oder Ihre Heizbetttemperatur, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Vorheizen“ tippen. Eine negative Zahl zeigt an, dass der Thermistor einen schlechten Kontakt hat oder beschädigt ist.

Ebenen falsch ausgerichtet und verschoben

Der Verlust der X/Y-Zahnriemen führt zu Schichtverschiebungen. Reparieren Sie Ihre Zahnriemen, wenn es auftritt.

Verstopfte Düse

Erhitzen Sie die Düse und entfernen Sie anschließend die Materialreste in der Düse. Reinigen Sie Ihre Düse oder ersetzen Sie sie durch eine neue.

Verzerrung von 3D-Druckmodellen

a> Stellen Sie je nach 3D-Druckfilament unterschiedliche Temperaturen ein.

b> Richten Sie Ihren 3D-Drucker neu aus. Möglicherweise ist der Abstand zwischen der Düse und dem Heizbett zu groß, sodass die erste Schicht nicht auf dem Heizbett haften konnte.

c> Die Druckgeschwindigkeit der ersten Schicht ist zu hoch. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Geschwindigkeit der ersten Schicht auf 20 mm/s einzustellen.

Artículo anterior Internetverbindung und WLAN-Konfiguration auf den 3D-Druckern KP3S Pro V2 und KLP1


OBE - marzo 2, 2024

klipper send me this error after few minutes of begin print… Help!!!

TMC ‘stepper_y’ reports error: DRV_STATUS: 001701c3 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) ot=1(OvertempError!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) t120=1 cs_actual=23
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
“FIRMWARE_RESTART” command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown

Nao - febrero 1, 2024

Hello, My Kingroon KP3S says Err6 and in the Hot bed temp it says -50, everytime i try to pre heat the bed or even use it stays in -50 and I dont know how to fix it, i need help, Plus i just started at 3D printing please help

Pablo - diciembre 28, 2023

Hello, My Kingroon KP3S says Err6 and in the Hot bed temp it says -50, everytime i try to pre heat the bed or even use it stays in -50 and I dont know how to fix it, i need help, Plus i just started at 3D printing please help

Pablo - diciembre 28, 2023

Hello, My Kingroon KP3S says Err6 and in the Hot bed temp it says -50, everytime i try to pre heat the bed or even use it stays in -50 and I dont know how to fix it, i need help, Plus i just started at 3D printing please help

Pablo - diciembre 28, 2023

Hello, My Kingroon KP3S says Err6 and in the Hot bed temp it says -50, everytime i try to pre heat the bed or even use it stays in -50 and I dont know how to fix it, i need help, Plus i just started at 3D printing please help

Marcelo - abril 16, 2023

I tried to print the tritam at 100 degrees, it ended up not working, the material took off the table, but now I’m trying to print it again, it’s just giving me an error 1 .. what to do, it doesn’t print anything now

Pedro Martin - marzo 17, 2023

I have a problem with my new KP5L printer just a few days ago I received it, I changed the nozzle and closed everything. Now the screen shows me “Errr1” and the nozzle temperature indicator shows -46 degrees. Help, I’m new to 3D printing, any solution?

재형 - marzo 6, 2022

얼마전에 액정화면과 메인보드 구입 교체 다섯번정도 출력후 메인보드에서 연기나고 안되다 부품 교환비가 신품값보다 많이 나오것 같습니다 해결방법이 없을까요 오류5나오다 오류1 나오다 왔다갔다합니다

GUGLIELMO - febrero 14, 2022

Good evening, thank you for hosting me in this forum. I have problems with the KP3 printer, I have tried countless times to print an object in which I would need to insert a magnet, pausing the printer to be able to insert the magnet with gcode, but every attempt fails the printer stops, it goes in the set coordinates for pause position it does not emit any sound, and even if I ask to put a sentence in the LCD, it does not, but immediately returns to the piece and continues printing. I see that this problem is often attributed to the firmwere, I wanted to know if anyone had this problem and how they solved it. The code I used is this:

M83 ; switch to relative E values for any needed retraction
G1 F1500 E-10
G1 F300 Z2.8 ; move up a millimeter to get out of the way
G1 F9000 X0 Y0
G1 F300 Z15 ; too close to bed—move to at least 15mm
M104 S0 ; standby temperature
M117 calamita
M18 S30 ; Set the disarm timeout
M0 S240 CALAMITA ; Do the actual pause
M109 S190 ; resume temperature
G1 F1500 E10
G1 F199.998 E10; Extra extrude after the unpause
G1 F1500 E-10
G1 F300 Z1.8
G1 F9000 X89.999 Y95.9
G1 F300 Z1.8 ; move back down to resume height
G1 F1500 E10
G1 F2400 ; restore extrusion feedrate
M82 ; switch back to absolute E values
G92 E188.81869

I use CURA 4.13

My printer firware is: MKS Robin mini 2.0.8
Thans in advance

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