Octoprint 2021: Installation, Configuration Tutorial on Kingroon KP3S

Octopi is a system designed for helping 3D printing, it allows you access the printer anywhere and anytime, monitor the print status, do safety check on power supply, making time lapse videos and even take the full control of the mainboard and boost your printing with Klipper firmware.

Now let’s show you how to install Octopi and configure it for Kingroon KP3S 3D printer.

Part 1, Get a Raspberry Pi Board

First, you will need a Raspberry PI, it is a powerful single board commuter designed for learning programming, which is now used in many areas. Go to raspberrypi.com to buy a raspberry Pi. 

Once you get a Pi, you could find a case online, 3D printed it and use to protect your Pi. We are using a Raspberry Pi 2B.

And here are all the things you will need. A USB to printer cable, you can find one in the KP3S package box. A Raspberry pi power supply. Raspberry requires higher input voltage than your phone. If you are using a raspberry pi4, you will need one with USB-C port. A wireless adapter. If you are using newer model than 2B, skip this. And of course, a Raspberry Pi. And a SD card, the volume must be larger than 16GB. Choose a 32GB one with higher speed if you are going to do time-lapse on Octopi.

3d print with raspberry pi 

Then you need to go https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ to download the Raspberry Pi Imager. It will help you download and flash the Octopi firmware into your SD card and preset the WIFI. Those steps were quite troublesome before, you need to do them separately and even need to edit some code.

Raspberry Pi Imager

Just choose the one fits your computer. Or you can click below link directly:
Mac OS:https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_latest.dmg

Part 2, Flash the firmware and preset the WIFI

Once you done, open the software you just installed, find "other specific purpose OS", click "Octopi", Choose "Octopi". It is the official and downloaded from the Octopi website.

install Raspberry Pi Imager 

Then you need to preset the WIFI, press the following keys (On Windows, Control+Shift+X; On Mac, Command+Shift+X) to open the setting. SSH will be a function that you may use later, so we recommend enabling it and set a password. Follow the steps, then you are done with WIFI preset.

As for the rest settings you can set them as your need, or just keep them as default.

After that, choose the storage you want to flash, then click the write button to proceed. It will download the Octopi firmware and flash it automatically, all you need is waiting. It’s goanna take some time.

Part 3. Configure Octopi

Once you finished, insert the SD card to your Pi, connect the power cable and the Wi-Fi adapter, connect the pi to the printer then power the pi up. Please make sure you have set the WIFI password correctly and the power supply for the pi is enough.

Wait for a minute, open the browser, visit "octopi.local/". This step will take a few minutes, just make sure your computer and the pi are connecting the same WIFI. Another thing you might want to know is, your pi does not support 5G WIFI signal.

Configure Octopi on kingroon kp3s 

You will need to create an account, then set up the rest according to your own need. We do recommend setting a strong password and turn off the usage tracking, you know, for a better privacy. If you don't know how to set, just click the blue option to keep default setting.

Configure Octopi on 3d printer

After this step, you will enter the Octopi Dashboard. Click the wrench icon, click “Printer Profiles”, then edit build volume as 180x180x180mm. You can also do this in the Setup Wizard. Then click the connect button to connect the KP3S, you can proceed to test everything out. Go to the “Control” Panel, click to operate X, Y, Z axis, see if everything moves right.

Octopi profile of kingroon kp3s 

Part 4, Print with Octopi

Normally the test should be fine, you are ready to start your first print. And you can preheat with your own settings. Or just wait for the printer read the g-code itself. Preheating will save you some time.

Once the preheating done, you can click print to start. The printer will print like it was before. All axis home, then the print head goes down and start to print. But there is no changes on the screen, everything are driven by the Raspberry pi. What we want to remind you is don't power off, disconnect, or operate the printer once start printing from octopi. The resume print won't work in this mode.

Now you are all set with Octopi for your Kingroon KP3 3D printer. 


Previous article How to Flash the EMMC Chip on Kingroon KP3S Pro V2 and KLP1


Fabrizio - May 12, 2024

I am getting several serial comms errors (38% and more) with a number of errors:
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 40
Recv: Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 45
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Printer keeps requesting line 126 again and again, communication stuck octoprint “kingroon”

k3ps, sliced with Cura 5.7.1

david - April 28, 2024

Since I changed computer I can’t install the printer. What software should I use? I have the model 3s.

Miriam - February 4, 2023

Hi, I have severals connections errors over 30% resend codes errors while printing. manual control is all fine…. :(

charles w - November 12, 2022

Dang, I’m getting the critical resend errors! It connects ok, manual control works but printing stutters terribly, then I get a communication fault :(

got to take the base off to see the mainboard…. doh!

Steven - August 19, 2022

KP3S with GD32F303 MB.
Connected to OctoPi. Uploaded a GCODE file to print from Pi (Not print from SD)
Errored out with Comm failure
Now the print head is starting .2mm above the build plate, even when going back to printing manually without the OctoPi connected.
Have reflashed firmware. No fix.
Have reconnected to octopi and sent G0 Z0 to reset the z axis. No fix.

Anyone have a clue as to how to return this thing to stock? I’ve reflashed both the bin and the txt file. The bed levels just fine manually, but if I start any print, even from GCODE files that worked fine prior to this problem, and it always starts printing .2mm above the plate.

Gustavo - August 17, 2022

I have a KP3S with GD32F303 MCU board. I have a lot of Critical resend ratio errors too.
@Toni and @Paula, how do you install a Marlin firmware? Can you send us a link to it?
@Kingroon, do you have some oficial Marlin firmware to this printer?

Thanks in advance.

Kingroon 3D Official - February 8, 2022

Joaquin What is the MCU of the mainboard? Please send some photos to show the problem and the NCU number to supportkingroon.com. We will help you out soon. Thanks!

Kingroon 3D Official - February 8, 2022

Thanks for your share! We are going to use Marlin, too. For making a tutorial on auto bed leveling. Personally, I prefer manual bed leveling, but that feature is what many people want.

Kingroon 3D Official - February 8, 2022

Thanks for the update! Glad to see the problem has been solved. Yes, the wrong firmware is the reason. KP3S has 3 different mainboards and 2 firmware. Mainboards with 303 and 103 MCU use the same firmware, but 407 doesn’t. The booting issue means wrong firmware. We will update more videos and articles soon.

Kingroon 3D Official - February 8, 2022

Thank you so much for reading this tutorial, hope everything is fine.

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