Zmodernizuj swoją drukarkę 3D Kingroon KP5L (wersja w pełni zmontowana) lub drukarkę 3D Kingroon KP5L (wersja częściowo zmontowana) za pomocą czujnika automatycznego poziomowania BL Touch lub 3D Touch .
Najpierw zdobądź ramkę naprawczą do druku dla BLTouch , którą możesz zainstalować BLTouch na głowicy wytłaczarki.
Bezpieczne kable do BLTouch
Wyłącznik krańcowy linki poziomującej jest na miejsce Zmax i nie ma możliwości zamiany położenia kabla czarnego i kabla zapisu. Kabel zapisu jest przeznaczony dla S. Czarny kabel jest dla G. Jak pokazano na poniższym rysunku.
Kabel silnika również musi być ułożony we właściwym położeniu, jak pokazano na poniższym obrazku.
Aktualizacja oprogramowania układowego Kingroon KP5L BLTouch
Pobierz zmodyfikowane oprogramowanie sprzętowe .bin w celu aktualizacji BLTouch dla drukarki 3D Kingroon KP5L (PEŁNA WERSJA DIY) .
Zapisz oprogramowanie sprzętowe mrówczanu .bin na karcie TF i zaktualizuj drukarkę Kingroon KP5L.
My 4th attempt on reaching someone here. I’ll add here that it was the half-assembled version of firmware I’ve been using. Also, the 3d touch did manage to complete the auto-leveling through the upgraded menu system via the firmware upgrade. That part has never been the issue. The issue still remains of the screen blanking white and being unresponsive and unusable after beginning a print, or while homing the printer, and even while trying to preheat. The printer also will at times, power cycle itself and reboot while trying to select preheating temperatures. PLEASE HELP.
Does anyone ever monitor this website? This is my 3rd attempt at contacting someone here…. Please respond.
I tried previously 1 week ago,(through the “Contact Us” link) to ask for help regarding this issue I’m encountering since upgrading the firmware on my KP5L. I’ll try here in hopes someone might read and respond. I purchased a new Kingroon KP5L and had been operating it for about a month without a single issue. I then purchased the 3D Touch upgrade kit from this official website, following the tutorial from this website, and then downloaded, and flashed the firmware from this website. It works, intermittingly, sometimes, but will ALWAYS result in an absolute white out, unresponsive screen within the first 3 layers of any print I attempt. Though it might continue printing even after the screen becomes unusable, it will ALWAYS then cause a layer shift (at or around) the 12-13mm z height, while still attempting to print. I have re-flashed the firmware many times(6 or 7), and I’ve downloaded the firmware on 2 different instances, both times running a successful checksum on the zip files. Long story short, I believe this firmware to be buggy and am in need of your assistance so that I might be able to once again use this otherwise good machine. As it sits right now, it’s nothing more than an electric paperweight until we can resolve this.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
There is something strange about using
I think the compression is low.
Please confirm.
I started to Look for the stock firmware, but what I found on your website still needed to be compiled; ie I was not able to find a .bin file to return to the stock firmware. Can you direct me to a .bin file for the stock firmware?
In addition, could you provide documentation on how to better configure the 2.0 firmware? I was hoping to configure the printer so it would do two probes for my 3D Touch, not just one.
Kp5l full diy