Zmodernizuj swoją drukarkę 3D Kingroon KP5L (wersja w pełni zmontowana) lub drukarkę 3D Kingroon KP5L (wersja częściowo zmontowana) za pomocą czujnika automatycznego poziomowania BL Touch lub 3D Touch .
Najpierw zdobądź ramkę naprawczą do druku dla BLTouch , którą możesz zainstalować BLTouch na głowicy wytłaczarki.
Bezpieczne kable do BLTouch
Wyłącznik krańcowy linki poziomującej jest na miejsce Zmax i nie ma możliwości zamiany położenia kabla czarnego i kabla zapisu. Kabel zapisu jest przeznaczony dla S. Czarny kabel jest dla G. Jak pokazano na poniższym rysunku.
Kabel silnika również musi być ułożony we właściwym położeniu, jak pokazano na poniższym obrazku.
Aktualizacja oprogramowania układowego Kingroon KP5L BLTouch
Pobierz zmodyfikowane oprogramowanie sprzętowe .bin w celu aktualizacji BLTouch dla drukarki 3D Kingroon KP5L (PEŁNA WERSJA DIY) .

Zapisz oprogramowanie sprzętowe mrówczanu .bin na karcie TF i zaktualizuj drukarkę Kingroon KP5L.
I have the same BLtouch firmware trouble, can’t find an answer for it from its official website. The service of this brand is so bad, i would never buy from this again.
Someone please help me with firmware to add bltouch to my kp5l. I have followed every set of instructions that I could find but I can’t find a working .bin file, I can’t get a compile if firmware to complete. I added the bltouch because there was no baby step option on the firmware that came with the printer. Tearing my hair out. Bought this machine as an upgrade for my ender3 and have had nothing but trouble with it.
I have several Kingroon printers, including 2 KP5L’s. One of these gives me a black screen. However, when switching it on, the message shows ‘booting’ for about 1 second, then the screen goes black.
I have inserted a new motherboard and changed the screen & screen wire from the other printer, but that has not corrected the problem. However, both screens and screen cables work with the other printer.
I have checked and re-checked wires, I have fitted external Mosfets.
When switching on, the light on the motherboard comes on, then goes off. The fan stays on, the light and the fan on the power unit both work, and the lights on the external Mosfets stay on.
Would an internal cable fault cause this problem, as both ribbon cables for the screens work on my other printer? Also, I have uploaded firmware many many times, with and without BL touch firmware.
I am at a loss to know what else I can do. Could you help please? Many thanks in advance.
The 3D Touch I received with KP5L on klipper always response probe: TRIGGERED not matter pin_down or pin_up
This is my 5th attempt at reaching someone here, and at this point, I can only ascertain that Kingroon is only interested in making sales. It appears that Kingroon has NO INTEREST in customer support, communication, etc. Your lack of response has taught me a valuable lesson. I will NEVER again purchase ANY product from Kingroon. I strongly suggest anyone considering making a purchase from Kingroon choose a different company.