Recently we released the brand-new model, the KP3 Pro 3D printer. Obviously, it is the upgraded version of the KP3S model. It has a 200x200x200mm print volume, linear guide rails on the X-axis and Z-axis, a filament sensor, and a built-in design. It’s a powerful model that we’ve tested for months without any issues.
Today let’s talk about its slicing settings on Cura and PrusaSlicer for some generic 3D printing materials.
After using Cura for over three years, I’ve switched to PrusaSlicer for daily printing now. But we still use Cura sometimes, for testing or timelapse videos. As for materials, we use the PLA mostly, then some TPU and quite a few PETG. As for ABS, I hate it for its bad and toxic smell.
So, we made settings for KP3S Pro on PLA, PETG, and TPU for both Cura and PrusaSlicer. If you want to save some time, the link is in the end, just choose the one you prefer.
The print quality on Cura and PrusaSlicer are the same.
For the new starters, if you don’t want the ugly seam lines, we suggest choosing PrusaSlicer. It hides the seam points quite well. Cura will give you a line on your prints. That’s actually how I tell which slicer the prints come from.
So, we just printed funnels with all those settings.

PLA Cura Profile / Settings
PLA is the most common material in 3D printing, it’s environmental, odorless, non-toxic, cheap, and easy to print. For starters or those who print for fun, PLA is the best option.
Print Settings:
Initial Printing temperature: 220 °C
Printing temperature: 185°C-200 °C
Bed temperature: 55 °C -65 °C
Speed: 50 mm/s -60 mm/s
Layer height: 0.12 mm
Retraction: 1 mm at 40 mm/s
Infill: 15%
Initial layer speed: 20 mm/s
Initial fan speed: 0%
Normally we don’t suggest using PLA for parts and accessories, but in case you don’t want to mess up with other materials, please remember to set the infill as 100%.
According to this study, it makes no difference to just increase the infill percentage.

PETG Cura Profile / Settings
PETG is quite sticky, so stringing would be a huge problem. So, you might want to close the “Z hop” and turn on “Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling” and “Avoid Supports When Traveling”.

On the other hand, using some glue or the LAC Spray is another trick to print well.
Here is the Spray that we highly recommend:
Print Settings:
Printing Temperature:235℃
Initial Printing Temperature:235℃
Build Plate Temperature:75℃
Build Plate Temperature
Initial Layer:75℃
Retraction Distance: 1.0mm
Retraction Speed: 40mm/s
Cooling: On
Fan Speed:20%-40%
It’s normal if you get some stringing. We will keep all the settings updated, you can make book markers on it and check for updates.

TPU Cura Profile / Settings
TPU is one of the most interesting materials among them. It’s soft, flexible, and extendable. You can print many useful things with it, for example, shoes and clothes. If you search TPU online, you can find a lot of magical stuff to try with it.

As for us, we printed phone cases, shoes, and wearable clothes with TPU. If you are interested, you can find them on our TikTok Channel:
Print Settings:
Layer Height: 0.1mm
Initial Printing temperature: 220 °C
Printing temperature: 220 °C
Bed temperature: 40°C
Speed: 35mm/s
Layer height: 0.12 mm
Retraction: 3.5 mm at 40 mm/s
Infill: 8%
Initial layer speed: 20 mm/s
Initial fan speed: 0%

That’s it. Here is the KP3S Pro Slicer Profile Bundle:
If you don’t know how to import and use them, please check the article for KP3S.
Besides, using a dry box to keep your filament from dampness is also important for 3D printing, especially for PETG and PLA. You should Keep the humidity within 35% if you want to get prints with less stringing and high quality.
If you want to save sometime on it. Here is one you get for use:
HI can i ask cura settings for kingroon kp3s .4mm nozzle thankyou
Hola, tuve una muy grata experiencia con la kp3spro el único problema que le veo con la impresora es el strining en pla y pet-g. He hecho muchos ajustes, torres de temperatura y retracción, cambiar perfiles en Cura y no encuentro solución al problema, espero me puedan ayudar ya que de no ser por ese problema mi experiencia hubiera sido excelente con la impresora, gracias de antemano.
Hello, I had a very pleasant experience with the kp3spro. The only problem I see with the printer is the strining in pla and pet-g. I have made many adjustments, temperature towers and retraction, changing profiles in Cura and I can’t find a solution to the problem, I hope you can help me because if it weren’t for that problem my experience would have been excellent with the printer, thanks in advance.
Hello, I have bought KP3S Pro few days ago, and it is very nice and impressive printer for this cost! However, Cura 5.4.0 can’t se any nozzle sizes available, and shows only “empty” nozzle size. Could You advice what to do?
The TPU profile doesnt match what this article says. The article also says layer height of 0.12mm and 0.1mm?
Necesito ayuda,
Hay algún perfil de la KP3S PRO V2 para Prusaslicer?
Estoy intentándolo pero no consigo imprimir con las calidades que puede dar esta máquina.
De momento estoy utilizando Cura, pero no me aclaro.
Con Prusaslicer algo me defiendo.